Designed to instil a love of learning
Through a curriculum of exploration and play-based learning, which is led by experienced educators and teachers, our early learning centres develop each child’s natural abilities. Children come to understand important concepts, build self-confidence and discover the joy of learning – all before they’ve even reached school age.
The Basics
In our kindergarten program, learning numeracy and literacy and the beginnings of science are provided through play-based learning and child-led inquiry so that children entering prep can be ready to engage in a formal school setting.
Reading is actively encouraged at NCC Early Learners and the emphasis is making it a fun and fulfilling experience, this is mostly done through storytime, story telling and role playing. Within the centre the children have a wide selection of literature and engaging activities. Staff often get into character to share fascinating stories with the children. NCC Early Learners also takes part in book week enjoying dress ups and special activities.
Both numeracy and science happen in a natural and holistic way; this includes activities such as – hopscotch, ABC jumping mats, number blocks, puzzles, real shapes, number games, conversations with children that involve numbers. Science is very much hands-on and child-initiated with trial and error, experiments and cause and effect.
Underpinning the educational framework is a nurturing environment where Christian values are shared and social interaction is encouraged between children. This extends to creating a welcoming community for all families involved in our centres.
Getting Physical
At such a young age, learning is mostly a sensory experience and we encourage both indoor and outdoor activities to add to the learning experience. We partner with Nature Play Queensland to offer bush kindy at all of our centres. Plus children experience the Active Kids program daily to develop healthy bodies and minds. Some of our centres even offer swimming lessons.
Value Add
NCC Early Learners is known for the ‘added value programs’ which see children being captivated by new discoveries. We offer a variety of excursions including trips to local zoos and community places, visits from Police, Fire and Ambulance Services and other joyful, formative experiences.
Special Offerings
Click on the links below to find out more about our special offerings and what’s available at each of our centres.